Core Extension

Search Core Collections

Return the list of Core assets given a search criteria.

Code example

In this example two filters are applied:

  1. The Public Key of the Owner
  2. The Metadata uri jsonUri

Like this only the NFTs with the given URI owned by that wallet are returned.

Additional possible Parameters can be found below.

import { publicKey } from '@metaplex-foundation/umi';
import { createUmi } from '@metaplex-foundation/umi-bundle-defaults';
import { dasApi } from '@metaplex-foundation/digital-asset-standard-api';

const umi = createUmi('<ENDPOINT>').use(dasApi());

const asset = await das.searchAssets(umi, {
    owner: publicKey('AUtnbwWJQfYZjJ5Mc6go9UancufcAuyqUZzR1jSe4esx'),
    jsonUri: '',


Example Response

    publicKey: '8VrqN8b8Y7rqWsUXqUw7dxQw9J5UAoVyb6YDJs1mBCCz',
    header: {
      executable: false,
      owner: 'CoREENxT6tW1HoK8ypY1SxRMZTcVPm7R94rH4PZNhX7d',
      lamports: [Object],
      rentEpoch: 18446744073709551616n,
      exists: true
    pluginHeader: { key: 3, pluginRegistryOffset: 179n },
    royalties: {
      authority: [Object],
      offset: 138n,
      basisPoints: 500,
      creators: [Array],
      ruleSet: [Object]
    key: 1,
    updateAuthority: {
      type: 'Collection',
      address: 'FgEKkVTSfLQ7a7BFuApypy4KaTLh65oeNRn2jZ6fiBav'
    name: 'Number 1',
    uri: '',
    content: {
      '$schema': '',
      json_uri: '',
      files: [Array],
      metadata: [Object],
      links: [Object]
    owner: 'AUtnbwWJQfYZjJ5Mc6go9UancufcAuyqUZzR1jSe4esx',
    seq: { __option: 'None' }


negateIndicates whether the search criteria should be inverted or not.
conditionTypeIndicates whether to retrieve all ("all") or any ("any") asset that matches the search criteria.
interfaceThe interface value (one of ["V1_NFT", "V1_PRINT" "LEGACY_NFT", "V2_NFT", "FungibleAsset", "Custom", "Identity", "Executable"]).
ownerAddressThe address of the owner.
ownerTypeType of ownership ["single", "token"].
creatorAddressThe address of the creator.
creatorVerifiedIndicates whether the creator must be verified or not.
authorityAddressThe address of the authority.
groupingThe grouping ["key", "value"] pair.
delegateAddressThe address of the delegate.
frozenIndicates whether the asset is frozen or not.
supplyThe supply of the asset.
supplyMintThe address of the supply mint.
compressedIndicates whether the asset is compressed or not.
compressibleIndicates whether the asset is compressible or not.
royaltyTargetTypeType of royalty ["creators", "fanout", "single"].
royaltyTargetThe target address for royalties.
royaltyAmountThe royalties amount.
burntIndicates whether the asset is burnt or not.
sortBySorting criteria. This is specified as an object { sortBy: <value>, sortDirection: <value> }, where sortBy is one of ["created", "updated", "recentAction", "none"] and sortDirection is one of ["asc", "desc"].
limitThe maximum number of assets to retrieve.
pageThe index of the "page" to retrieve.
beforeRetrieve assets before the specified ID.
afterRetrieve assets after the specified ID.
jsonUriThe value for the JSON URI.

Technically the function accepts all the above parameters since they are inherited from the standard DAS package. Some of them are not recommended to use though, e.g. the package filters the interface for MPL Core either way.

Search Core Assets