Core Extension

Get Core Asset

Returns the information of a MPL Core assets for example including metadata, owner and parsed Plugin data, plus data inherited from collection.

Code example

Replace the <ENDPOINT> with your personal RPC and the <PublicKey> value with the public key of the NFT you want to fetch.

import { createUmi } from '@metaplex-foundation/umi-bundle-defaults';
import { dasApi } from '@metaplex-foundation/digital-asset-standard-api';
import { das }  from '@metaplex-foundation/mpl-core-das';
import { publicKey } from '@metaplex-foundation/umi';

const umi = createUmi('<ENDPOINT>').use(dasApi());
const assetId = publicKey('<PublicKey>');

const asset = await das.getAsset(umi, assetId);

Example Response

    publicKey: '8VrqN8b8Y7rqWsUXqUw7dxQw9J5UAoVyb6YDJs1mBCCz',
    header: {
      executable: false,
      owner: 'CoREENxT6tW1HoK8ypY1SxRMZTcVPm7R94rH4PZNhX7d',
      lamports: [Object],
      rentEpoch: 18446744073709551616n,
      exists: true
    pluginHeader: { key: 3, pluginRegistryOffset: 179n },
    royalties: {
      authority: [Object],
      offset: 138n,
      basisPoints: 500,
      creators: [Array],
      ruleSet: [Object]
    key: 1,
    updateAuthority: {
      type: 'Collection',
      address: 'FgEKkVTSfLQ7a7BFuApypy4KaTLh65oeNRn2jZ6fiBav'
    name: 'Number 1',
    uri: '',
    content: {
      '$schema': '',
      json_uri: '',
      files: [Array],
      metadata: [Object],
      links: [Object]
    owner: 'AUtnbwWJQfYZjJ5Mc6go9UancufcAuyqUZzR1jSe4esx',
    seq: { __option: 'None' }
Extension Overview