

A DAS API Client to access Digital Asset data on chain



The Metaplex Digital Asset Standard (DAS) API represents a unified interface for interacting with digital assets on Solana, supporting all three Metaplex standards Core, Token Metadata, compressed (Bubblegum) assets. This allows easy access and filtering of Asset Data. This is especially useful for:

  • Core Assets, where the Plugins can be automatically derived and include the plugin data of the collection.
  • Compressed NFT, where the detailed account data is not stored onchain, but in data stores managed by RPC providers.
  • Fetching Data with less Calls because the Off Chain Metadata is also indexed through the standard.

The API defines a set of methods that RPCs implement in order to provide asset data. In the majority of cases, the data is indexed using Metaplex Digital Asset RPC infrastructure.

Core Extension

In addition to the general DAS SDK an extension for MPL Core has been created that directly returns you the correct types to further use with the MPL Core SDKs. It also automatically derives the plugins in assets inherited from the collection and provides functions for DAS-to-Core type conversions.

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DAS API methods for fetching data.

MPL Core Extension

Get and parse MPL Core assets easily