
Using Metaplex Core in Anchor


To start using Core in an Anchor project, first ensure that you have added the latest version of the crate to your project by running:

cargo add mpl-core

Alternatively, you can manually specify the version in your cargo.toml file:

mpl-core = "x.x.x"

Feature Flag

With the Core crate you can enable the anchor feature flag in the mpl-core crate to access Anchor-specific features by modifying the dependency entry in your cargo.toml:

mpl-core = { version = "x.x.x", features = [ "anchor" ] }

Core Rust SDK Modules

The Core Rust SDK is organized into several modules:

  • accounts: represents the program's accounts.
  • errors: enumerates the program's errors.
  • instructions: facilitates the creation of instructions, instruction arguments, and CPI instructions.
  • types: represents types used by the program.

For more detailed information on how different instructions are called and used, refer to the mpl-core website or you can use cmd + left click (mac) or ctrl + left click (windows) on the instruction to expand it.

Accounts Deserialization

Deserializable Accounts

The following account structs are available for deserialization within the mpl-core crate:

- BaseAssetV1
- BaseCollectionV1
- HashedAssetV1
- PluginHeaderV1
- PluginRegistryV1

There are two ways to deserialize Core accounts within Anchor.

  • Using Anchors Account list struct (recommended in most cases),
  • Directly in the instruction functions body using <Account>::from_bytes().

Anchor Accounts List Method

By activating the anchor flag you'll be able to deserialize both the BaseAssetV1 and BaseCollectionV1 accounts directly in the Anchor Accounts list struct:

Accounts Deserialization

pub struct ExampleAccountStruct<'info> {
    pub asset: Account<'info, BaseAssetV1>,

Account from_bytes() Method

Borrow the data inside the asset/collection account using the try_borrow_data() function and create the asset/collection struct from those bytes:

Accounts Deserialization

let data = ctx.accounts.asset.try_borrow_data()?;
let base_asset: BaseAssetV1 = BaseAssetV1::from_bytes(&data.as_ref())?;

Deserializing Plugins

To access individual plugins within an Asset or Collection account, use the fetch_plugin() function. This function will either return the plugin data or a null response without throwing an hard error, allowing you to check if a plugin exists without having to access its data.

The fetch_plugin() function is used for both Assets and Collections accounts and can handle every plugin type by specifying the appropriate typing. If you want to access the data inside a plugin, use the middle value returned by this function.

Plugins Deserialization

let (_, attribute_list, _) = fetch_plugin::<BaseAssetV1, Attributes>(&ctx.accounts.asset.to_account_info(), mpl_core::types::PluginType::Attributes)?;

Note: The fetch_plugin() function is only used for non-external plugins. To read external plugins, use the fetch_external_plugin() function, which operates in the same way as fetch_plugin().

The CPI Instruction Builders

Each instruction from the Core crate comes with a CpiBuilder version. The CpiBuilder version is created using name of the instruction + CpiBuilder and simplifies the code significantly abstracting a lot of boilerplate code away!

If you want to learn more about all the possible instruction available in Core, you can find them on the mpl-core website

CPI Example

Let's take the CreateCollectionV2CpiBuilder instruction as an example

Initialize the builder by calling new on the CpiBuilder and passing in the core program as AccountInfo:


Use then Cmd + left click (Ctrl + left click for Windows users) to view all the CPI arguments required for this CPI call:

    .name("Test Collection".to_string())
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