

Update Delegate Plugin

The Update Delegate is a Authority Managed plugin that allows the authority of the MPL Core Asset to assign an Update Delegate to the Asset.

The Update Delegate Plugin can be used when:

  • you need a 3rd party to update/edit the entire MPL Core Asset.

Works With

MPL Core Asset
MPL Core Collection




Additional delegates allow you to add more than one delegate to the updateDelegate plugin.

Additional delegates can do everything that the update authority can do except:

  • add or change the additional delegates array (apart from remove themselves).
  • change the plugin authority of the updateAuthority plugin.
  • change the root update authority of the collection.

Adding the Update Delegate Plugin to an Asset

Adding a Update Delegate Plugin to an MPL Core Asset

import { publicKey } from '@metaplex-foundation/umi'
import { addPlugin } from '@metaplex-foundation/mpl-core'

const assetAddress = publicKey('11111111111111111111111111111111')
const delegate = publicKey('22222222222222222222222222222222')

await addPlugin(umi, {
  asset: assetAddress,
  plugin: {
    type: 'UpdateDelegate',
    authority: { type: 'Address', address: delegate },
    additionalDelegates: [],
Royalties Plugin