

Permanent Freeze Delegate


The Permanent Freeze Delegate plugin is a Permanent plugin that will always be present on the MPL Core Asset or MPL Core Collection to which it is added. A permanent plugin can only be added at the time of Asset or Collection creation.

The Permanent Freeze Plugin will work in areas such as:

  • Soulbound Tokens.

Works With

MPL Core Asset
MPL Core Collection


  • Asset: Allows the delegated address to freeze and thaw the NFT at any time.
  • Collection: Allows the collection authority to freeze and thaw the whole collection at once. It does not allow to freeze a single asset in the collection using this delegate.



Creating an Asset with a Permanent Freeze plugin

Creating an Asset with a Permanent Freeze plugin

import { publicKey } from '@metaplex-foundation/umi'
import { create } from '@metaplex-foundation/mpl-core'

const assetSigner = generateSigner(umi)
const delegate = publicKey('33333333333333333333333333333')

await create(umi, {
  asset: assetSigner,
  name: 'My NFT',
  uri: '',
  plugins: [
      type: 'PermanentFreezeDelegate',
      frozen: true,
      authority: { type: 'Address', address: delegate },
Permanent Transfer Plugin