Getting Started using Rust

If you are a Rust developer, you can also use a Rust client SDK to interact with the Token Metadata program. Metaplex provides a dedicated Rust client crate, which is a lightweight crate with minimal dependencies.

To get started, you'll need to add the mpl-token-metadata dependency to your project. From a terminal on the root folder of your project:

cargo add mpl-token-metadata

This will all the latest version of the crate in your project's dependency list.

If you are using a solana-program version prior to 1.16, first add the solana-program dependency to your project and then add mpl-token-metadata. This will make sure you only have a single copy of the borsh crate.

🧱 Structure

The client SDK is divided into several modules:

  • accounts: structs representing the accounts of the program
  • errors: enum representing program errors
  • instructions: structs to facilitate the creation of instructions from client (off-chain) and programs (onchain), and instruction arguments
  • types: structs representing types used by the program

A good starting point to explore is the instructions module, which contains helpers to create instructions to interact with Token Metadata. These are designed to be flexible and easy-to-use. If an instruction requires additional types, these will be referenced from the types module. If you want to deserialize the content of a Token Metadata account, the accounts module has a struct representing each account with helpers methods to deserialize their content.

🏗️ Instruction Builders

One of the main features of the client SDK is to facilitate the creation of instructions. There are two types of instruction builders depending on whether you are writing off-chain or onchain code, and both support passing accounts by name and optional positional accounts.

Client (off-chain)

These are intended to be used by off-chain client code. Each instruction is represented by a struct, where its fields are the Pubkeys of the required accounts.

CreateV1 instruction struct:

pub struct CreateV1 {
    /// Unallocated metadata account with address as pda
    /// of ['metadata', program id, mint id]
    pub metadata: Pubkey,

    /// Unallocated edition account with address as pda
    /// of ['metadata', program id, mint, 'edition']
    pub master_edition: Option<Pubkey>,

    /// Mint of token asset
    pub mint: (Pubkey, bool),

    /// Mint authority
    pub authority: Pubkey,

    /// Payer
    pub payer: Pubkey,

    /// Update authority for the metadata account
    pub update_authority: (Pubkey, bool),

    /// System program
    pub system_program: Pubkey,

    /// Instructions sysvar account
    pub sysvar_instructions: Pubkey,

    /// SPL Token program
    pub spl_token_program: Pubkey,

After filling in the instruction account fields, you can use the instruction(...) method to generate the corresponding Solana Instruction:

Creating an Instruction for CreateV1:

// instruction args
let args = CreateV1InstructionArgs {
    name: String::from("My pNFT"),
    symbol: String::from("MY"),
    uri: String::from("https://my.pnft"),
    seller_fee_basis_points: 500,
    primary_sale_happened: false,
    is_mutable: true,
    token_standard: TokenStandard::ProgrammableNonFungible,
    collection: None,
    uses: None,
    collection_details: None,
    creators: None,
    rule_set: None,
    decimals: Some(0),
    print_supply: Some(PrintSupply::Zero),

// instruction accounts
let create_ix = CreateV1 {
    master_edition: Some(master_edition),
    mint: (mint_pubkey, true),
    authority: payer_pubkey,
    payer: payer_pubkey,
    update_authority: (payer_pubkey, true),
    system_program: system_program::ID,
    sysvar_instructions: solana_program::sysvar::instructions::ID,
    spl_token_program: spl_token::ID,

// creates the instruction
let create_ix = create_ix.instruction(args);

At this point, create_ix is an Instruction ready to be added to a transaction and sent for processing.

In the example above, you probably noticed that even when we do not need to provide a value for an optional argument, we still need to specify None. To facilitate the creation of instructions even further, you can use the *Builder companion struct.

Creating an Instruction using CreateV1Builder:

let create_ix = CreateV1Builder::new()
    .mint(mint_pubkey, true)
    .update_authority(payer_pubkey, true)
    .name(String::from("My pNFT"))

The end result is the same create_ix instruction to be added to a transaction and sent for processing.

Cross Program Invocation (onchain)

When you are writing a program that needs to interact with Token Metadata, you can use the onchain Cross Program Invocation (CPI) builder. They work similarly to off-chain builders, with the main difference being that they expect AccountInfo references instead of Pubkeys.

TransferV1Cpi instruction struct:

pub struct TransferV1Cpi<'a> {
    /// The program to invoke.
    pub __program: &'a AccountInfo<'a>,

    /// Token account
    pub token: &'a AccountInfo<'a>,

    /// Token account owner
    pub token_owner: &'a AccountInfo<'a>,

    /// Destination token account
    pub destination_token: &'a AccountInfo<'a>,

    /// Destination token account owner
    pub destination_owner: &'a AccountInfo<'a>,

    /// Mint of token asset
    pub mint: &'a AccountInfo<'a>,

    /// Metadata (pda of ['metadata', program id, mint id])
    pub metadata: &'a AccountInfo<'a>,

    /// Edition of token asset
    pub edition: Option<&'a AccountInfo<'a>>,

    /// Owner token record account
    pub token_record: Option<&'a AccountInfo<'a>>,

    /// Destination token record account
    pub destination_token_record: Option<&'a AccountInfo<'a>>,

    /// Transfer authority (token owner or delegate)
    pub authority: &'a AccountInfo<'a>,

    /// Payer
    pub payer: &'a AccountInfo<'a>,

    /// System Program
    pub system_program: &'a AccountInfo<'a>,

    /// Instructions sysvar account
    pub sysvar_instructions: &'a AccountInfo<'a>,

    /// SPL Token Program
    pub spl_token_program: &'a AccountInfo<'a>,

    /// SPL Associated Token Account program
    pub spl_ata_program: &'a AccountInfo<'a>,

    /// Token Authorization Rules Program
    pub authorization_rules_program: Option<&'a AccountInfo<'a>>,

    /// Token Authorization Rules account
    pub authorization_rules: Option<&'a AccountInfo<'a>>,

    /// The arguments for the instruction.
    pub __args: TransferV1InstructionArgs,

The instruction struct requires three different pieces of information: (1) the program to CPI into it – __program field; (2) a variable list of accounts represented by references to AccountInfo; (3) the instruction args – __args field. To simplify the creation of the struct, there is a new(...) factory method. After filling in the program, instruction accounts and argument fields, you can use the invoke() or invoke_signed(...) method to perform the CPI.

Invoking the TransferV1Cpi instruction:

// creates the instruction
let cpi_transfer = TransferV1Cpi::new(
    TransferV1CpiAccounts {
        token: owner_token_info,
        token_owner: owner_info,
        destination_token: destination_token_info,
        destination_owner: destination_info,
        mint: mint_info,
        metadata: metadata_info,
        authority: vault_info,
        payer: payer_info,
        system_program: system_program_info,
        sysvar_instructions: sysvar_instructions_info,
        spl_token_program: spl_token_program_info,
        spl_ata_program: spl_ata_program_info,
        edition: edition_info,
        token_record: None,
        destination_token_record: None,
        authorization_rules: None,
        authorization_rules_program: None,
    TransferV1InstructionArgs {
        authorization_data: None,

// performs the CPI

You have probably noticed (again) that for every optional account/argument that we do not pass a value, we still need to set it to None. Similarly to the off-chain instructions, CPI instructions have a companion *Builder struct.

Invoking the TransferV1Cpi instruction using TransferV1CpiBuilder:

// creates the instruction
let cpi_transfer = TransferV1CpiBuilder::new(metadata_program_info)

// performs the CPI

🔎 PDA helpers

Another set of useful helpers of the SDK are the PDA lookups. Account types representing PDAs (e.g., Metadata) have associated functions to find/create PDA Pubkeys.

Implementation of find_pda and create_pda helper methods:

impl Metadata {
    pub fn find_pda(mint: Pubkey) -> (Pubkey, u8) {

    pub fn create_pda(
        mint: Pubkey,
        bump: u8,
    ) -> Result<Pubkey, PubkeyError> {

The find_pda method is usually used on off-chain clients:

let (metadata_pubkey, _) = Metadata::find_pda(mint);

The create_pda method is recommended to be used onchain, since it can save compute units in comparison to find_pda, but it does require storing the bump used to generate the PDA derivation:

let metadata_pubkey = Metadata::create_pda(mint, bump)?;