Token Auth Rules


Validating with a Rule Set


The Validate instruction on Token Authorization Rules takes an operation, token, and payload and uses that data to evaluate the rule set to determine if the operation is allowed. The most common use of this is royalty enforcement on Metaplex programmable NFTs. On pNFTs, the Delegate and Transfer instructions are Operations, the NFT that is being delegated or transferred is the Token, and the Payload is constructed using the different attributes of the Operation.

Constructing the Payload

Most Primitive Rules include a field. This is meant to indicate a field in the Payload passed in to the validate call. The values stored in these fields are fetched from the Payload HashMap and used for evaluation of the various rules. Below is an example of how Token Metadata constructs a payload for transferring an NFT.

// Transfer Amount
    .insert("Amount", PayloadType::Number(amount));

// Transfer Authority

// Transfer Source

// Transfer Destination

Calling Validate

  • rule_set_pda - The PDA that contains the Rule Set that will be evaluated.
  • mint - The mint of the token that is being operated on.
  • system_program - The System Program
  • payer (optional) - The user that will pay for any state changes.
  • rule_authority (optional) - The authority that must sign to modify the state.
  • rule_set_state_pda (optional) - The PDA that contains any state for the Rule Set (currently unused).
  • operation - The operation that is being performed on the token (e.g. Transfer, Delegate).
  • payload - A HashMap containing detailed information for what is happening to the token.
  • update_rule_state - A boolean that indicates whether or not the Rule Set state is being updated.
  • rule_set_revision (optional) - The revision of the Rule Set to be evaluated. If None, the latest revision is used.
let validate_ix = ValidateBuilder::new()
    .build(ValidateArgs::V1 {
        operation: operation.to_string(),
        payload: auth_data.payload.clone(),
        update_rule_state: false,
    .map_err(|_error| ErrorCode::InvalidAuthorizationRules)?

let mut account_infos = vec![ruleset.clone(), mint_info.clone()];
invoke_signed(&validate_ix, account_infos.as_slice(), &[])


Create or Update Rule Sets