

Clear Inscription Data

The update authority of an inscription can clear its data and the data of associated inscriptions using the ClearData instruction as long as inscription has not been engraved. The ClearData instruction requires one of the the Authorites to sign the transaction.

Clearing the data removes all existing data resizes the inscription account to 0.

Here is how you can use our SDKs to clear inscription data.

Clear Inscription Data

import { clearData, findInscriptionMetadataPda } from '@metaplex-foundation/mpl-inscription'

const inscriptionMetadataAccount = await findInscriptionMetadataPda(umi, {
  inscriptionAccount: inscriptionAccount.publicKey,

await clearData(umi, {
  inscriptionAccount: inscriptionAccount.publicKey,
  associatedTag: null, //use the same tag here as you used on creation

The associatedTag is used to derive the associated inscription account correctly.
