Quick Start
To get started with Hydra, you'll need the package for your programming environment.
If you are using Rust grab the crate here:
If you are using Javascript, grab the package here:
Quick Start - JS
Install the package from npm:
yarn add @glasseaters/hydra-sdk
This is how you'd set up a Hydra with the Wallet membership model.
import { Connection, Keypair, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, Token, TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID } from "@solana/spl-token";
import { airdrop } from "@metaplex-foundation/amman";
import {
} from "@glasseaters/hydra-sdk";
const connection = new Connection("devnet", "confirmed");
const authorityWallet = Keypair.generate();
await airdrop(connection, authorityWallet.publicKey, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL * 2);
const fanoutSdk = new FanoutClient(
new NodeWallet(new Account(authorityWallet.secretKey))
// Initialize the Hydra Wallet
const { fanout, nativeAccount } = await fanoutSdk.initializeFanout({
totalShares: 100,
name: `Your Globally Unique Wallet Name`,
membershipModel: MembershipModel.Wallet,
// fanout is your fanout config address
// nativeAccount is your account address
// Retrieve the onchain Hydra Wallet
const fanoutAccount = await fanoutSdk.fetch<Fanout>(
console.log(fanoutAccount); // Shows you all the parameters in your Hydra
// This is your Hydra Wallet Address
let HydraAccountKey = fanoutAccount.accountKey // this is the same thing as nativeAccount above
// If you only know the Hydra name, this is how you can retrieve the account key
let name = `Your Globally Unique Wallet Name`
let [key, bump] = await fanoutSdk.fanoutKey(name)
let [holdingAccount, bump] = await fanoutSdk.nativeAccount(key)
// Add members
const member1 = new Keypair();
const { membershipAccount1 } = await fanoutSdk.addMemberWallet({
fanout: init.fanout,
fanoutNativeAccount: init.nativeAccount,
membershipKey: member1.publicKey,
shares: 10
//Repeat for all members until sum(shares) == totalShares from initialization
// Send some Sol to the Hydra Wallet so you can distribute
await airdrop(connection, HydraAccountKey, 2);
// Generate the distribution instructions
let distMember1 = await fanoutSdk.distributeWalletMemberInstructions(
distributeForMint: false,
member: member1.wallet.publicKey,
fanout: fanout,
payer: authorityWallet.publicKey, // This can be changed to whoever sends the tx
// Send the distribution instructions
const tx = await fanoutSdk.sendInstructions(
if (!!tx.RpcResponseAndContext.value.err) {
const txdetails = await connection.getConfirmedTransaction(tx.TransactionSignature);
console.log(txdetails, tx.RpcResponseAndContext.value.err);
// Member1 Should have 0.2 more sol in their wallet