

The mpl-toolbox package is designed to complement Umi by providing a set of essential functions for Solana's Native Programs.

API reference

Looking for something specific? Have a peak at our API References and find your answer.


The package isn't included by default when using the Umi package, so to install it and start using it, you need to run the following command

npm i @metaplex-foundation/mpl-toolbox

Programs Included

While Umi, and the other Metaplex products, already offer comprehensive packages that includes all the essential functions to get you started, they don't include the necessary helpers and functions for lower-level yet critical tasks, especially when dealing with Solana's native programs. For example, with just Umi, creating an account using the SPL System Program or extending a Lookup Table from the SPL Address Lookup Table program it's not possible.

That's why we created mpl-toolbox, a package that provides a set of essential helpers for Solana's Native that simplifies these low-level tasks.

The mpl-toolbox package includes helpers from the following programs:

SPL SystemSolana's native program for account creation.
SPL Token and SPL Associated Token.Solana's native programs for managing tokens.
SPL MemoSolana's native program for attaching memos to transactions.
SPL Address Lookup TableSolana's native program for managing lookup tables.
SPL Compute BudgetSolana's native program for managing compute units.
MPL System ExtrasA Metaplex program offering additional low-level features on top of SPL System.
MPL Token ExtrasA Metaplex program offering additional low-level features on top of SPL Token.